Psst, Don't Keep Us a Secret
$1000 in your pocket
Refer a business who signs up with Power Consulting, and get up to a $1000 of free services.
Charity in your name
Share us with your friends and get $1000 in monthly services
If you're the giving type, Power Consulting will give your referral award to a person or organization in need.
Refer a business who needs IT Support or IT services and join our referral program.
Do you know a business in need?
It's as easy as One, Two, Three
Tell us a little about who you are and who your friend or business is.
Hold tight while our team reaches out to your friend.
You'll get $1000+* off your next months fee once your referral is confirmed.
Here are Some 'Good to Knows'
You can refer a friend if you're a business owner or an employee.
Get your 1 month fee taken off of your bottom line immediately.*
Refer as many people or businesses as you'd like! There's no limit on how many people you refer, or prizes you redeem.
You can refer any company in any industry! As long as they have IT needs.
Copyright © 2019. All Rights Reserved.
127 West 26th Street 12th floor New York, NY 10001
*The time you receive the award depends on when your referral signs on with Power Consulting*